Friday, May 23, 2014


It is the characteristic right of each person to be upbeat to escape all the tragedies of life. Bliss is the ordinary condition, as regular as the painted scenes and the seasons. It is unnatural to endure and it is simply because of our lack of awareness that we do endure. Joy is the result of knowledge. To achieve immaculate insight, to appreciate completely the reason for life, to acknowledge totally the relationship of individuals to one another, is to put an end to all affliction, to escape each sick and fiendishness that burdens us. Flawless intelligence is unshadowed happiness.

Why do we endure in life? Since in the plan of nature we are, no doubt constrained advance in development and we fail to offer the otherworldly brightening that alone can light the way and empower us to move securely among the snags that lie before us. Generally we don't even see or associate the vicinity with inconvenience until it abruptly jumps upon us like a hid tiger. One day our family ring is finished and blissful. A week later passing has gone back and forth and delight is supplanted with anguish. Today we have a companion. Tomorrow he will be a foe and we don't know why. A short time back we had riches and all material extravagances. There was a sudden change and now we have just destitution and wretchedness but then we look for futile for a motivation behind why this ought to be. Sometime in the past we had wellbeing and quality; yet they have both withdrew and no hint of a reason shows up. Aside from these more excellent tragedies of life multitudinous things of lesser outcome ceaselessly bring to us little agonies and minor feelings of grief. We most truly yearning to keep away from them yet we never see them until they strike us, until in the murkiness of our obliviousness we bumble upon them. The thing we need is the profound brightening that will empower us to look far and wide, discovering the concealed reason for human enduring and uncovering the strategy by which they may be stayed away from; and on the off chance that we can yet achieve light the evolutionary adventure could be made both agreeably and quickly. It is as if we must pass through a long, dim room loaded with furniture indiscriminately scattered about. In the dimness our advancement would be moderate and excruciating and our wounds a lot of people. Yet in the event that we could press a catch that would turn on the electric light we could then make the same trip rapidly and with impeccable wellbeing and solace.

The old technique for instruction was to store the psyche with as numerous actualities, or assumed truths, as could be aggregated and to give a certain outer surface shine to the identity. The hypothesis was that when a man was conceived he was a finished person and that all that might be possible for him was to load him up with data that would be utilized with pretty much ability, as per the local capability he happened to be conceived with. The theosophical thought is that the physical man, and all that constitutes his life in the physical world, is however an exceptionally halfway representation of the self; that in the conscience of each there is basically boundless power and shrewdness; that these may be gotten through into declaration the physical world as the physical body and its undetectable partners, which together constitute the complex vehicle of the personality's appearance, are advanced and adjusted to the reason; and that in accurate extent that cognizant exertion is given to such change toward oneself will profound enlightenment be accomplished and intelligence achieved. Consequently the light that prompts bliss is aroused from inside and the evolutionary adventure that all are making may be robbed of its agony.

Why does demise bring wretchedness? Mainly on the grounds that it divides us from those we cherish. The main other motivation behind why demise brings despondency or alarm is  in light of the fact that we don't comprehend it and understand the part it plays in human development.  But the minute our obliviousness offers approach to perception such fear vanishes and a tranquil joy takes its place.

Why do we have foes from whose words or acts we endure? Since in our constrained physical awareness we don't see the solidarity of all life and understand that our wrong thinking and doing must respond upon us through other individuals a circumstance from which there is no conceivable departure with the exception of through stopping to think insidious and afterward understandingly anticipating the time when the reasons we have produced are completely debilitated. At the point when otherworldly light comes, and we probably won't stagger in the night of obliviousness, the last adversary will vanish and we should make no all the more for eternity.

Why do individuals experience the ill effects of neediness and infection? Simply because of our bumbling obliviousness that makes their presence feasible for us, and in light of the fact that we don't grasp their importance and their lessons, nor know the disposition to accept to them. Had we yet the astuteness to comprehend why they come to individuals, why they are fundamental components in their advancement, they would inconvenience us generally won't. At the point when nature's lesson is completely taken in these quiet educators will vanish.

Along these lines it is with all types of agony we encounter. They are immediately responses from our oblivious blunderings and teachers that call attention to the better way. When we have grasped the lessons they show they are no more important and vanish. It is not by the outward  securing of truths that men get savvy and incredible. It is by creating the spirit from inside until it enlightens the cerebrum with that surge of light called virtuoso.

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